Friday, April 3, 2020

Ways To Find A Private Tutor For Primary School

Ways To Find A Private Tutor For Primary SchoolIf you are thinking of getting a private tutor for primary school, it would be best if you don't. This is because it would be difficult to obtain a good quality private tutor for such a large undertaking. But if you plan carefully and don't get too much pressure from your friends and family, it would be a lot better.There are a few ways you can go about finding a private tutor for primary school. You can find a good school at the local neighborhood library or public library. It will help you meet different people as well. You may also meet with a tutor at your neighborhood gym if you are open to it.Also, if you have children in the local school, it would be very helpful for you to share information with them and the teachers. Teachers and school administrators are typically searching for good educational service providers.If you do not want to search for a private tutor on your own, you can try and advertise the fact that you are looking for one. This would help you connect with more than one person and it would help you to connect with people who can actually provide you with a good quality tutor. In addition, this would also help you set up a connection with other people who would probably be able to recommend someone to you.Another option you can go about is to ask a tutor for a recommendation. This way, you would be able to make sure that the tutor you are going to hire is someone who has been recommended by others before.After all, finding a private tutor for primary school is something that you can only do when you are determined enough to try and achieve the task. So, don't feel too stressed or too anxious about your search.Finding a private tutor for primary school should not be as difficult as some people think. All you need to do is take a deep breath and follow these tips. You will be able to find a good tutor for your child's education.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Types of Camera for Shooting Video

Types of Camera for Shooting Video Which Are the Best Cameras for Shooting Video ChaptersWhat’s the Difference between Compact, Single Lens Reflex, Hybrid, and Bridge Cameras?Using a Camera to Shoot VideoFilming with Hybrid CamerasFilming with Compact or Bridge CamerasChoosing the Right Cameras for Shooting VideoImportant Vocabulary for Filming“The camera can film my face but until it captures my soul, you don't have a movie.” - Al PacinoCinema is an art form that a lot of us love. Action films were the highest-grossing genre in the UK and ROI in 2017, followed by animation, sci-fi, drama, and then comedy. Whether it’s to laugh, cry, think, or gasp, there’s a film for every emotion.Are you interested in shooting video?Learn more about the different digital cameras you can use to shoot video. AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotogr aphy Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat’s the Difference between Compact, Single Lens Reflex, Hybrid, and Bridge Cameras?When starting with photography or film, you’ll need a camera. That said, with all the different cameras on the market, it can be tricky choosing the right one. There’s a big difference between reflex cameras and compacts for taking on holiday with you. However, the gap between the different types gets smaller every year. There are several main types of camera you can use to shoot video. (Source: Bru-nO)Before you go choosing which will be best for video, you should understand the difference between these four main types of digital camera.A digital SLR camera or DSLR camera is usually preferred by photographers for its superior image quality. DSLR cameras have a larger body and you can get accessories and interchangeable lenses to further improve their performance.Wide-angle lenses, telephoto lenses, external batteries, there’s all sorts of stuff you can get for DSLRs. The most important thing about reflex cameras is the mirror. The mirror reflects the light from the lens onto the image sensor.  This allows the user to see exactly what the sensor sees.Hybrid cameras don’t have a mirror; the image is retransmitted to the sensor. The viewfinder only shows a representation of what the sensor is picking up. As they don’t have a mirror, the bodies of hybrid cameras tend to be smaller.The biggest diff erence between reflex cameras and hybrid cameras is how they capture light and the image. However, much like with reflex cameras, you can change the lenses on hybrids, something you don’t get with bridge cameras.Bridge cameras are falling out of favour due to the increasing performance of compacts. However, bridge cameras tend to have better lenses. In terms of ergonomics, bridge cameras are closer to reflex cameras. This type of device is usually chosen by amateur photographers and filmmakers.Compact cameras are smaller than the other types we’ve covered and are great for sitting in your pocket during holidays. In recent years, they’ve become much more impressive and comparable to entry-level reflex cameras in some cases.  It’s better to have to a good compact than a reflex with a bad lens!Another notable difference between the different types of camera is the size of the sensor. The sensor is what picks up the light to create the photo. It’s the heart of the device.Refle x cameras have the largest sensors. The larger the sensor, the easier it is for the sensor to capture the light, especially in low-light environments. That’s why the best DSLR cameras are generally known for being the best cameras.Until recently, reflex cameras were the only cameras to have full-frame sensors. However, the hybrid Sony Alpha 7 also has a full-frame sensor.Technological advancements continue to revolutionise the camera market.Check out our tips for shooting video.Using a Camera to Shoot VideoWhether or not you shoot video with a reflex camera depends on your objectives. You should know the pros and cons of using these types of camera. Bigger cameras tend to shoot better footage but also are much heavier. (Source: rkarkowski)Firstly, the sensor is one of the main reasons these cameras take such good photos and video. In addition to the sensor, you also need the right lenses. The lens will greatly affect quality.There’s no point in investing in a telephoto lens unless you’re shooting a nature documentary. Big lenses are cumbersome and mightn’t be worth lugging around with you everywhere. You probably want lenses with variable focal lengths.A 35-70mm lens will be useful for wide shots, portraits, and some light zooming if you want.  However! If you want to do professional video, avoid zooming while filming.Fixed lenses are also highly recommended. These are often great quality and allow you to focus on the framing rather than the zoom.  Also, try to get lenses with an aperture between f/1.8 and f/2. While more expensive, these lenses will help you to shoot better video.Also, pay attention to the weight of the c ameras. The bodies can be quite heavy on their own. With a big lens attached, they can be even harder to wield. This can become a massive pain for holiday videos, for example. In this case, you might want to invest in a tripod. On the other hand, the heavier the camera, the easier it is to stabilise. AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFilming with Hybrid CamerasHybrid cameras are a good alternative as they tend to be smaller and lighter than reflex cameras. In recent years, hybrid cameras have become more popular with professionals including Sony’s Alpha 7. Perfect for low-light conditions, this camera is great for amateurs and professionals alike. Some hybrids are almost as good as SLRs. (Source: Hans)Like with reflex cameras, you can change the lenses on hybrid cameras. This is pretty good given their small size.  That said, you should also consider investing in a microphone since the built-in microphones aren’t great. Even though the video quality has greatly improved in recent years, sound quality is often overlooked. An external microphone can quickly make a light camera heavy.Pay attention to stabilisation. Some devices come with built-in stabilisation but this isn’t always the case. It can be tricky fixing a shaky image in post. So make sure that the image is as stable as possible when filming.While they’re lighter and often as powerful as reflex cameras, the ones that do great video tend to be expensive. You can expect to pay close to £2,000.Filming with Compact or Bridge CamerasBridge cameras aren’t great for filming, you can’t change the lenses, and they’re still quite cumbersome.Compacts, however, can be useful when it comes to filming videos. High-end compacts can shoot 4K video and include options like slow-motion.  The big advantage is just how small they are.In terms of stabilisation, they’re not great, but you can get accessories to help with that.They also don’t cost as much as hybrid or reflex cameras and you can still get great quality images and footage.Choosing the Right Cameras for Shooting VideoYou need to choose a camera according to your budget as well as your objectives. How you'll use your camera will influence which model is best for you. (Source: Alexas_Fotos)If you’re just after some nice holiday videos, compacts will do the job. If you’re wanting to make videos professionally, you’ll want to invest in a hybrid or reflex camera so you can play around with different lenses.Next, it depends on your habits for taking photos. Some opt for a reflex because they already have several lenses while others go for the latest hybrids.Take your level and value for money into account when buying cameras.Important Vocabulary for FilmingHere’s a couple of terms that you may find useful.4KMost cameras can now film in 4K. However, this isn’t the same 4K that’s used in cinema (4096 x 2160 pixels). These cameras are better than full HD but they keep the 16:9 ratio (3840 x 2160). This is 4K UHD.AutofocusAutofocus is when the camera takes care of focusing itself. In other words, it tries to work out what you’re focusing on and will try to keep this eleme nt sharp. That said, it can be annoying when shooting video. In this case, you should do it manually.If you'd like to learn more about photography and film, there are plenty of private tutors on Superprof who can help you. There are different types of tutorials for different budgets and learning styles so it's up to you which one you go for.Face-to-face tutorials are the most costly but are also the most cost-effective. With just you and the tutor, the tutorials can be tailored to you, what you want to learn, and your preferred learning style.Online tutorials are similar but instead of the tutor being there in the room with you, they'll teach you remotely using video conferencing software. While this is fine for academic and theoretical subjects, it can be trickier for hands-on subjects that benefit from having a tutor there in the room with you.Finally, there are group tutorials which tend to be the cheapest per student per hour. Since the cost of the tutor is shared amongst all th e students in attendance, each student will be paying a smaller amount than they would in face-to-face or online tutorials.The choice is yours!

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Calculate your Metabolic Rate

How to Calculate your Metabolic Rate A Personal Trainer Talks about Daily Calorific Intake and Base Rate of Metabolism ChaptersWhat is Base Metabolic Rate, Anyway?Causes of Slow Metabolic RateWhat to do About a Slow MetabolismVariations on BMR CalculationsBuilding a Health and Fitness PlanCalories and Special PopulationsThe human body is a sophisticated organism that, even today, with all modern diagnostic and imaging capability that permits real-time viewing of functional organs, still holds us enthralled.Imagine how the physiologists of yesteryear would feel if resurrected for just one day, to view human anatomy through modern technology?In their day, a body at rest was considered the same way as a body at work.No one considered the energy expenditures of the body supine: indeed, the most learned of physicians may well have proclaimed that no calories were being burned at all.That is, if they knew about calories, let alone how the body uses them.Even at rest, our bodies need energy to keep fundamental systems going.In fact, this inconspicuous calorie consumption comprises up to 70% of our daily ene rgy use.By contrast, physical activity lays claim to only 20% of our energy stores, with the remaining 10% attributed to our digestive system.Knowing one's base metabolic rate â€" or BMR is indispensable: it permits a more or less exact calculation of how many calories our bodies need just to survive.For athletes who wish to lose weight, or by contrast: want to gain muscle mass, knowing one's BMR is vital.Let us now learn more about our bodies, our metabolism, and what we can do to become the best and fittest version of ourselves.balanced meal versus empty calories, is crucial.Keeping one's body mass stable and eating as much of anything you want must be most everyone's gustatory dream!Confess: do your workmates talk about juicing and detoxing while looking over selections on the light menu at lunch?Aren't they the very same ones that you know brunch expansively after a pious Sunday morning, in the pews or at the pool.And there you are, feeling like you are packing on the pounds, no matter how skinny your meal selections are.Maintaining your current weight, and even losing any pounds, is not commensurate with how many desserts and sweets you turn away from.In fact,  food fads  and Draconian deprivation diets will go further to undermine your weight loss efforts than to facilitate them.Likewise: cutting out meals will have the undesired effect of putting your body into starvation mode, effectively slowing  down your metabolism.A slow metabolism = fewer calories burned = more body fatSkipping meals will virtually guarantee that you will not lose the weight you want in the time frame that you target.Could a health fitness professional set you on the right track, metabolically speaking?We can assure you that eating right, coupled with any sports program will indeed help boost your energy levels and assist in your weight loss efforts, but why take our word for it?If you would calculate your own BMR, you could track your success by yourself!There is quite possibly a medical reason why you are feeling like a lump on a log Source: Pixabay Credit: Chado NihiCauses of Slow Metabolic RateYou eat right, take the stairs to get to your office and take the dog on long walks at night.You snack sensibly, avoid fizzy drinks and birthdays are so great because that is the only time you ever eat cake.In short, you are a nutrition and fitness specialist's gold standard.You don't feel ideal, though. You feel tired and heavy, and stepping on the scale reveals that you are in fact gaining, rather than maintaining your weight.After taking variables such as age and gender into consideration, you would almost have to conclude that you are the victim of a slow metabolism.This condition can be brought on by any of these factors, or a combination  of them:too much cortisol, brought on by chronic stressCushing's Disease can also overstimulate adrenal glands, producing excess cortisol.Too much insulinhere too, stress can play a role in producing undesired levelsa thyro id imbalancelow estrogen / testosteronepoor body compositiona high ratio of fat to musclenatural agingAnd, of course, the aforementioned starvation diets â€" the only factor contributing to your metabolic rate that you truly have control BMR calculator.Once you know your specific BMR, things get really simple...Building a Health and Fitness PlanLet's see where you are in your fitness career:been to see the doctoreliminated any serious health concerns (or are under treatment for them)taken a physical assessment testCalculated your base metabolic rateNow what?The next step really depends on what your fitness goals are.Weight Maintenance and Muscle Toning1. To keep your current weight and tone your body overall, a fitness business expert would recommend resistance training.Using bands, weights â€" dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells; assorted gym equipment and gravity, your fitness instructor would prescribe a routine that would help build muscular endurance while reinforcin g connective tissues and joints.2. If you want  to become a bodybuilder, strength training is the regimen for you.Rowers, ellipticals and pull up bars â€" you will find it easy to bulk up with this type of regimen.Your training program could include isometrics,  interval training or crossfit.3. Proper nutrition â€" fuel is important at any phase of sports conditioning.  and should be targeted to your desired results.To that end, consulting with a registered dietitian or fitness nutrition specialist is always advisable.Your personal  trainer most likely works with such an expert â€" or has undergone certification programs himself, so that s/he is qualified to counsel you on food choices.Don't reward yourself with food after a workout! Source: Pixabay Credit: Ryan McGuireCalories and Special PopulationsOne third of all UK  children, and a quarter of the overall population are obese.Nationally,  a whopping three-quarters of Britons are overweight!Of those, we find that seniors, the eco nomically disadvantaged and the disabled are the most likely to struggle with obesity.In spite of programs targeted to senior fitness and even sports events exclusively for disabled athletes, Britons of every stripe  continue live in the shadow of this health threat.And if our children continue on this path, we can only expect that shadow to grow.Youth fitness programs and group exercise classes might not be the only solution.Of course, personal fitness training is paramount, but perhaps we should instruct our young on practical skills with regard to diet and nutrition.Food gardening is an excellent way to get kids involved in nutrition: planting and caring for food stocks can forge a mind body connextion that could revolutionise they way they think about eating.And it is a great way to get them up and moving: off the sofa and away from the gaming console, too!As long as they are out of doors, how about squeezing some functional training in?This type of physical exercise program  pr ovides an individualized focus on meaningful tasks, such as walking, climbing stairs and carrying (book bags, groceries and the like).Functional training builds the muscles that support the body's core, otherwise known as the torso.Motivating your child (or parent) to get moving can be difficult, but you should never offer food as an incentive to working out!The goal of functional training is to build strength and flexibility, and to move on to the next level of health and wellness.Don't defeat all of that hard work by rewarding the least bit of effort with a treat!Once your little trainer (or senior trainer!) is motivated and ready to take the next step, place accountability for his caloric intake back on him.It is at that point that you should share knowledge of how poor food choices affect one's body and well-being.A fitness and nutrition education will serve your child, parent and you better than any amount of exercise science or interval training  ever could.As long as you know about calories, how they are used and how many you need, you could help others get fit.We're talking about the work mates who drizzle dressing on their salads at lunch, naturally.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Online Surface Area of a Trapezoid Tutors

Online Surface Area of a Trapezoid Tutors Trapezoid is a 2-dimensional geometric shape which has one pair of parallel sides and one pair of non-parallel sides. A trapezoid therefore has 4 angles and 4 sides. If the non-parallel sides are equal to each other in length, then the trapezoid is known as an isosceles trapezoid. Surface area of a trapezoid is the area of the trapezoid and the formula is given by half the product of the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides and the height. Example 1: Find the area of the trapezoid which has parallel sides of length 6m, 4m, and height 5m Given: length of the parallel sides = a and b Height of trapezoid = h The Area of the trapezoid is = 1/2 *(a + b)* h. The value of a = 6m, b = 4m, h = 5m This makes the solution = 1/2 * (10m) * 5m = 25m2 Therefore, area of the given trapezoid is 25m2 Example 2: Find the area of the trapezoid which has parallel sides of length 10m, 7m, and height 8m. Given: length of the parallel sides = a and b Height of trapezoid = h The Area of the trapezoid is = 1/2 *(a + b)* h. The value of a = 10m, b = 7m, h = 8m This makes the solution = 1/2 * (17m) * 8m = 68m2 Therefore, area of the given trapezoid is 68m2

4 Most Challenging Questions on the New SAT

4 Most Challenging Questions on the New SAT The College Board is rolling out a redesigned SAT, slated to be given for the first time in March 2016. After a complete overhaul, the test is now designed to quiz students on the skills that are most valued by colleges. If you will be taking the new SAT, you may be wondering how the test is different, what you can expect, and how you can best prepare yourself to address these new questions. Heres a look at some of the most challenging questions on the new SAT: 1. Data interpretation questions in the SAT Reading test The SAT Reading test will no longer be a mix of questions on vocabulary and prose. On the new SAT, all of the questions are based on passages, you are not tested on obscure vocabulary, and some passages may require you to analyze graphs and data. In this sense, the new SAT Reading test doesnt just evaluate how you can interpret prose and fiction passages; you also will be tested on passages and data with a historical, scientific, and sociological focus. These new questions are meant to assess your readiness for data-based college courses. If you arent fully comfortable with your data interpretation skills, these questions may be particularly difficult for you. Plan ahead and start practicing these skills by reading essays or studies that are scientific, historical, and nonfiction in nature, and immerse yourself in data sets and graphs. Try using a prep book designed for the new SAT. 2. Advanced mathematical reasoning and trigonometry on the SAT Math section In the past, the SAT did not venture into math topics beyond the level of Geometry and Algebra I, but on the new SAT you can expect questions involving complex math, including trigonometry and new concepts in statistics and geometry. If youre taking the new SAT before youve reached these more advanced topics in class, find a math tutor or reach out to a teacher for help mastering these concepts before the test. In addition, make it a habit to practice these new concepts on your owncreatetrigonometry flashcards or take practice tests in advanced algebra. Maximize your score by becoming comfortable with every topic tested on the SAT Math testeven the hardest topics! 3. Questions on grammar and rhetorical skills in the SAT Writing and Language section You may already be familiar with the current SAT Writing test, which includes a mandatory essay and about 49 questions that test your command of grammar, style, and punctuation. The new SAT Writing and Language test will still test these concepts, but will also test your knowledge of the message, organization, and development of a passage at varying levels of difficulty. For this test, you should think of yourself as an editor, identifying and correcting factual errors, grammar missteps, and improving the text of various passages, charts, tables, and other infographics. Much like an editor, you will need to consider the tasks of the old test (grammar, style, and punctuation) as well as the passages effectiveness as a whole, making decisions about the cohesion and overarching structure of the passage. [RELATED: What is an Average SAT Score?] 4. The new, optional SAT Essay The old, mandatory SAT essay was a rushed endeavor for many students, who found that constructing and supporting a persuasive essay in 25 minutes was a tough task. The new SAT essay is optional, and it differs drastically from the past SAT essay. The new SAT Essay is 50 minutes long and asks test-takers to thoroughly analyze a short passage. Youre not expected to develop and defend an opinion; rather, youll have to analyze how the author of the passage constructs his or her argument using evidence from the passage. Although you may not be used to doing such heavy analysis on a standardized test, with practice your SAT Essay skillsand all of the other new skills required for success on the new SATcan improve. [RELATED: How is the New SAT Scored?]

An Introduction to Geopolitics

An Introduction to Geopolitics Understanding Geopolitics ChaptersWhat Geopolitics IsWhat Geopolitics Isn’tExamples of Geopolitical InitiativesThe Geopolitics of BrexitInternational Relations. Foreign policy. Statesmen and ambassadors. International Organisations. Global society.All of these are aspects of geopolitics but they don’t quite express the full concept of what, exactly, is meant by that term.Political scientist Rudolf Kjellén coined that expression early in the 20th Century, applying his notion to alliances during the 1st World War; by the end 2nd World War, everyone was discussing international relations theory.Still, geopolitics is not a word you hear in everyday conversation; at least not outside of political science circles.News sources seldom mention it but most outlets discuss geopolitical situations such as instability in the Middle East or unease over Russia in virtually every broadcast.These are only a couple of aspects of the discipline we call geopolitics; there are others.In fact, to thoroughly acquaint you with the principles of geopolitics, Superprof dissects the concept to give you a comprehensive look at what geopolitics is and isn’t, what factors come into play and where to look to see geopolitics in action.No man is an island â€" John DonneThis 17th Century poem, espousing the human need for interconnection, could be seen as the basis of geopolitics.  It expresses the idea that no single individual, his actions or thoughts, can be separate from greater society.As for individuals, so too for nations.Our interconnected world demands interaction between governments, whether they hold similar ideas or not. Out of this need arises a set of protocols predicated on a variety of factors, including:natural resources, including raw goods such as minerals, ores and rare earth metals, as well as coal and petroleumtopography: is the land in question easy to live on? Easy to access? Easy to defend? Is there ample water to sustain the population?Population and demography: how many people is that l and expected to sustain? What are those people’s religious and dietary requirements? Can they be met?Climate: which foods can grow in which regions? Does the climate pose a significant danger to life or food production?One aspect of geopolitics we hear quite a bit about is territory.Last year, the American president broke with decades of diplomatic effort to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel.The problem is that at least a portion of that city had previously been promised to the State of Palestine, to say nothing of the fact that Jerusalem holds special significance for all the three of the Abrahamic religions.You can read more about the implications of this declaration in our companion article covering the geopolitics of the Middle East.Conversely, an ongoing dispute over waterways is taking place in the South China Seas. Territorial waters is another pertinent feature of geopolitics as it encompasses everything from national security to trade and food supplies.Whereas it is easy to draw a border on land, it is much more difficult to mark off where a country’s waters end, which can sometimes lead to squabbles.Obviously, it would be difficult to circumnavigate those waters in an attempt to appease the nation that claims them, a factor that leads political bodies to the negotiation table.How much power one side or the other exerts over its neighbours and global affairs, and how that power is exerted falls under the header of geopolitics.Now that we know a bit about what geopolitics covers, let’s look at what it doesn’t.Did you know that there is a whole other article written about geopolitics in Asia?What Geopolitics Isn’tMoney makes the world go ‘round â€" John Kander and Fred Ebb, from CabaretThere are tons of quotes, such as the one above, about money but, interestingly enough, a country’s economy has little to do with its geopolitical status.A country’s economy depends on many factors, some of which also determine its geopolitical posit ion and its role in global governance. Human and natural resources top that list.If there is nothing to work with or, conversely, nobody to perform work, the economy will not grow â€" and that country will not be able to exert as much political power in the region.Social and political factors also weigh heavily on a country’s economy.Not allowing a segment of the population to work and forcing retirement at an age where one could still be productive undercuts the available pool of labour, a condition for which the economy suffers.The trading of goods is an important part of international relations so, if a country has few goods to trade or cannot afford to trade without tariffs, its geopolitical position would be weaker than nations who do have a strong economy.One more way that a country’s economy plays a role in geopolitics: being able to provide for her citizens.Venezuela’s currently destabilised economy is a dramatic example of collapse that drives people to flee to other countries.We examined the Venezuelan crisis in depth in our article on geopolitics in Latin America.Such a case would be a perfect set-up for a vicious cycle: people flee to a nation with a stronger economy, which they then contribute to by finding work and paying taxes, making that country’s economy even stronger.Countries with a strong economy have the ability to build military power which gives them more clout in transnational as well as international affairs.Still, because a country’s economy is meant to satisfy the needs and desires of that nation’s people, it has no consideration in international politics.Today's Belt and Road initiatives is less about political economy than global leadership Image by Konevi from PixabayExamples of Geopolitical InitiativesThe simplest definition of geopolitics is political power linked to geographical location.To give you a good idea of how geopolitics affect countries’ foreign affairs, we put two well-publicised instances of world pol itics under the microscope.The rise of China as a world power led to global security concerns; whether they are well-founded remains to be seen.However, China’s Belt and Road initiative, a plan to connect that Asian superpower with three other continents by land and sea, serves to present China as an arbiter of world peace and security.The grand strategy behind these multiple infrastructure projects in Europe, Africa and Latin America is to promote trade while advancing China’s diplomacy across the globe.You can learn more about this ambitious project’s impact from our geopolitics in Africa article.The intended consequence of this international system is to reconfigure the global balance of power so that that Asian nation may claim a larger share than world powers had previously accorded it.With China well on its way to becoming a great power, the U.S. senses their global hegemony slipping away.Uneasy over the subtle shift of power, the Obama Administration announced it’s Pi vot to Asia plan, in which meagre peacekeeping forces kept in Asia would be augmented to full military contingents.This was done in an effort to contain China’s peaceful rise, all while protecting American allies Japan and the Philippines from a possible military threat from their much larger neighbour.International studies have concluded that the Pivot to Asia initiative did nothing to stop China’s rise as a global power.However, it did much to reinforce that nation’s grip on the South China Seas, even to the extent that China built military outposts on formerly deserted islands.Not all geopolitical initiatives have a catchy name.During the Cold War, containment was the strategy applied to the former Soviet Union to halt the spread of communism. After the fall of that regime, Russia painstakingly rebuilt its infrastructure and reasserted its century-long ties to the Middle East.Russia’s role as a conflict resolution orchestrator in Syria and Afghanistan has no snappy title, partly because Mr Putin prefers less scrutiny of his global politics.The other reason is that the Middle East is both strategically and economically important to Russia: it benefits that country to improve relations between themselves and those nations through which their pipelines run.Discover the many ways those pipelines impact geopolitics in Russia.What Brexit represents to those who are working or studying abroad is still an open geopolitical question Image by Stux from PixabayThe Geopolitics of BrexitFinally, we come close to home!As you might have learned from this article or from studying geopolitics around the world, virtually everything one people (think 'Jihadist') or government does sends ripples â€" if not outright shockwaves around the world.We need only to look at events following the Cold War for proof.The tension between competing powers (China and the U.S.), the use of force in the Middle East and emerging powers such as Russia, plying heretofore unseen soft power and economic clout in regions traditionally overlooked.All of this competition is taking place against a backdrop of rising nationalism.Over the last decade, shifts in power and international development have clashed against international security concerns, causing foreign relations to deteriorate... or, at least, cloak themselves in mistrust.Sometimes, it is just best to pull back, right? Take oneself out of the fray and reassess where priorities lie for that country and that population.Three years ago, our country put that question to its citizens: would our interests be better served remaining in the European Union or would we fare better without?Whether we like our Brexit hard or soft, leaving the European Union is already causing substantial geopolitical concerns.Those great powers, Germany and France, have a strong influence in Brussels; our most advantageous exit may depend on how favourably they see our role in international institutions and how generous they are in their t rade agreements.No man is an island; neither is any nation-state.Barring the fact that our country is indeed an island, we will nevertheless have to find our place in today’s world order once we are no longer a part of Europe.That is going to take a lot of studying global trends and rethinking our position. Which countries would work best with our international policy? Once separated from Europe, where would our rivalries lie?To understand our position better, we really need to delve deeply into the geopolitics of Europe.For further reading on the topics presented in this article, you may enjoy these pages:TopicWeb AddressBrexit to Asia Belt and Road Initiative /Geopolitical maps

Rock in Rio e a revolta dos rockeiros

Rock in Rio e a revolta dos rockeiros Na semana em que os ingressos para o Rock in Rio foram vendidos, tive uma grande discussão com um amigo. Estudamos juntos, fomos adolescentes e rebeldes juntos. Por isso, ele não entende de jeito algum que eu não tenho qualquer problema com o fato de que o Rock in Rio, apesar de ter a palavra rock no nome, não é um festival de música rock.A gente ouvia Legião, ele tinha uma bandinha de garagem de tributo ao GunsnRoses, o estilo era aquele rockeiro-adolescente-rebelde-sem-causa mesmo. Por causa disso, ele achou um ultraje que eu não me juntasse a ele na sua revolta contra o que organização do Rock in Rio estava fazendo.Sabe qual é o problema? A organização não está fazendo nada de novo, quem está se revoltando agora porque o Rock in Rio não é exclusivamente para rockeiros apenas mostra que não fez o dever de casa e não conhece a história do festival. O problema não foi o fato de eu achar isso, o problema foi partilhar essa minha forma de ver as coisas com ele. Co mo se diz por aí, deu ruim!Você pode até estar se revoltando neste momento, tal como ele se revoltou. Só não faz como ele, que ficou tão irritado que me mandou para a casa do Sr. Carvalho sem sequer ouvir o que eu tinha para dizer. Continua comigo mais um pouco.Qualquer pessoa que vá ao site do Rock in Rio vê lá, na seção sobre a história do festival, que eles dizem que conquistaram o mundo sempre com a intenção de levar todos os estilos de música para os mais variados públicos. Logo aí, se eles sempre tiveram essa intenção, era impossível que fosse um festival de rock, certo? Errado, para a maior parte das pessoas eles inventaram isso agora, para vender mais e ganhar dinheiro.Aí você lembra do que aconteceu em 2001, com o Carlinhos Brown levando garrafada, e percebe que não é de agora. Mesmo assim há quem vá cismar que foi uma invenção posterior à criação do festival. Nesse momento, se você ainda está seguindo a minha linha de raciocínio e ainda nà £o quer que eu vá falar com o Sr. Carvalho de novo, a gente vê outro detalhe. Tanto na primeira, como na segunda edição do Rock in Rio (1985 e 1991), houve uma artista que se destacou no cenário, que era quase que completamente dominado pelos rockeiros nacionais e internacionais. Sabe quem era? Era a Rita Lee da Caatinga, a Madonna do Agreste, a Tina Turner do Sertão, ela própria: Elba Ramalho! Agora você vê, desde a primeira edição eles misturam estilos. No início não era tanto como é hoje. Porém, nos anos 80 e 90 o rock praticamente dominava a música mundial! Se eles queriam ter sucesso com o festival, tinham que apostar no rock.  Sinceramente, acho que por isso veio o nome Rock in Rio. Porque o Rock ia chamar a juventude da época, porque a Cidade do Rock seria o lugar perfeito para que essa mesma juventude pudesse se sentir à vontade e porque rock em Inglês não é só música rock. Além de querer dizer pedra, além de se referir à música, em determinados co ntextos, quer dizer diversão, o que mais eles podiam querer?Passados quase 30 anos da primeira edição ainda tem gente que não aceita, não entende e se revolta. Vamos combinar? O Rock in Rrio não é um festival de rock por se chamar Rock in Rio, da mesma forma que Woodstock não era estoque de madeira por se chamar Woodstock.Resumindo e concluindo, peace out and rock on!